Welcome back to this installment of Proudly Not Made By Robots, our ongoing series about the people behind the business here at Scratchtown. Today you get to meet Jade, one of the original three founding partners here at SBC. Jade and I (Caleb) began to discuss the idea of opening a brewery in Ord all the way back in 2009. Nearly ten years ago, we spent many Sunday mornings together traveling the backroads of Valley, Garfield and Custer Counties contemplating our future in rural Nebraska, and ways we could build our community. We knew a brewery was a good fit and our intuition proved to be true. Jade was an essential partner in starting the company, and while he doesn’t spend his days here on the operation and production side, he and his wife Michelle continue to be important decision makers for the present and future prospects of the company. Let’s get to know Jade.
Where did you grow up? Ansley Nebraska, USA.
What is your favorite SBC beer? Non-SBC beer? Hot Iron American Wheat; Miller Lite.
Think back to your most memorable brewery experience – where any why? First brew day at SBC.
What do you do at SBC? Not much. I was involved heavily in the early days with construction and development. I work the taproom sometimes.
What is your favorite SBC event? Food pantry fundraiser in May. Beef + beer = good times.
What is one hobby you enjoy in your free time? Woodworking.
If you had a year to go on an adventure, where would you go and why? Alaska. I would fish, hunt and explore.
What bit of advice would you give your 18-year old self? Join the military and defend American values abroad.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A good grandpa.
What is your favorite thing to do in nature? Hunt or fish with my family and friends.
What do you like best about working at SBC? Meeting new people, preaching the gospel of Ord and our area and giving back to the community.