Thank you for celebrating Scratchtoberfest!



From us at Scratchtown, we’d like to thank all of you who celebrated our second birthday with us on Saturday. Over 700 of our closest friends and family came together to listen to great music, taste fantastic food and drink local Sandhills beer. A lot has changed in 2 years of operation (3 as a business), but the core mission of our business has not. We will continue to make and serve high-quality beer and engage in positive community building in our rural Nebraska small town.


We enter our third year of operation excited for what the future holds. Thank you to our food vendors (Sandstone Grill, Cetak’s Meats, Epic Grill, Maschka’s Sausage Shop, Flippin’ Sweet Pizza & Tim Todsen), our bands (Czechlanders Orchestra Lite, Ashton Dugan & the Band Dave, and Jerry Neeman & His Triumphant Return) and our patrons for making the day memorable. Prost!


Neon Moon Run/Color Run

SBC is proud to partner again with Valley County Health System Foundation for their 3rd Annual Neon Moon Run. This year’s theme is a night color run, with a 1 mile walk and 5k or 10k run. A NeonMoonColorRun_brochure can be downloaded here. Event details are below.NeonMoonColorRun_flyer

Metro Locations for Black Eye Bottles

Bottled Black Eye Imperial Porter is landing on shelves this week in the Nebraska metro region. Locations for bottles will be:


Beertopia, Brix West, Too Far North Tasting Room (Fort Calhoun), Whole Foods Omaha, HyVee Shadow Lake, HyVee 96th & Q,  HyVee 120th & Dodge, HyVee 108th & Fort, HyVee 156th, Hyvee 51st & Center, HyVee Stoneybrook, HyVee Welch Plaza, HyVee Pacific.


Morans, Meiers Cork and Bottle, N Street Drive Inn, The Still, HyVee Village Drive, HyVee Stacey Lane, HyVee 27th & Superior, HyVee 84th & Holdrege, HyVee 50th & O, Whole Foods.


Lucky Lady Tasting Room (Aurora, Neb.), Speed’s Apple Market (Ord), Grocery Kart (Ord).