Today marks Layne’s one-year anniversary with us at SBC and we felt it was the perfect time to thank him for his efforts here, and profile him on our Proudly Not Made By Robots series. If you recall, PNMBR is a feature series on the people that make Scratchtown great. It’s a look behind the curtain with the people that work and frequent our humble establishment, or have relationships with us outside our hometown.

Now, on to Layne. Mr. Ford works in our taproom as a beertender and hails from the great Sandhills community of Cody, Nebraska. Layne is a big fan of outdoor adventure and travel, like many of us (nearly all of us, actually!) here at the brewery. So here’s what makes Layne, Layne:

What is your favorite SBC beer? Sideburns’ Milk Stout, The General Hoppy Wheat & Corncob Smoked Cream Ale.

What is your favorite non-SBC beer? Dark O’ the Moon from Elysian, Octoberfest from Sam Adams and Fresh Squeezed IPA from Deshutes.

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Han Solo.

What is your favorite thing to do in nature? Hike, ski, kayak, camp and hunt.

If you had a year to go on adventures, where would you go and why? Andes Mountains through Argentina, Chile and Peru, because it feels like a worthy adventure.

What advice would you give your 18-year old self? Travel more and be more health conscious.

What is your favorite SBC event? Scratch-Patty’s Day.

What do you like best about working at SBC? Meeting new people with different life experiences.